Historical shops

In Genoa's historical center you can find, beside amazing palaces and rich churches, another treasure to discover getting lost in the narrow streets called caruggi: the historical shops. These are commercial activities existing since at least 70 years, a social heritage also from the XVII century still preserved and working. To preserve this heritage was founded the profissional register of the historical shops: to be enroled you should have minimum 3 of the 5 requirements, as the conservation of achitectural elements , furnitures and original historical equipments that are still working,the conservation of documents attesting the shop's history.

You can try delicacies and old recepies, but also order a suit, buy soaps, syrups and spices in one of the old groceries.

There are more than 40 historical shops that you can visit, and you can start from Piazza Fossatello at the Pasticceria Cavo, where you can try the sacripantina, typical genoese cake now very difficult to find. Continuing to sottoripa you can't miss a stop at Friggitoria Carega, where you can try the farinata, teh panissa and fried anchoves, all typical genoese food. Not so far, in Vico Caprettari, you can visit the Barberia Giacalone, a very old hair dresser all in Art Noveau. Walking in Via Giustiniani , in Sa' Pesta you can find some old genoese recipies and a few metres from there, in Via San Bernardo, you can visit the Antica Drogheria M. Torielli, open form 1929. In the nearby you can find also the Antica Drogheria di Canneto and the Drogheria Casaleggio , old shops where the time seems to be stopped. Without any doubt you should plan a visit to Antica Tripperia La Casana, where you can try a dish of tripe cooked in the old copper pots.

At the end you can take a look at the XVIIIth century chocolate factory Romeo Viganotti.

From Campeggio Villa Doria you arrive easealy with the train to the historical center to dedicate then your day to discover these treasures. At the reception you can always find someone to help you to organize your time in Genoa. At the camping you can also buy the tickets for public transport to use in all Genoa. We can give you the city maps and all the informations you need.

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